Our Packages

If there is a specific service you would like that you do not see listed, please reach out to us. We are always open to creating more specialized plans to provide what is best for your company. 

The Essentials 

  • Two Social Media Platforms
  • 3 posts a week including copy and graphics
  • Content posted on platforms at researched optimized times
  • Community Management & Engagement
  • Strategic Platform Audit
  • Monthly Analysis & Reports

The Bundle

  • Two Social Media Platforms
  • 4 posts a week including copy and graphics (per platform)
  • 1 monthly email 4 stories a week including copy and graphics
  • Content posted on platforms at researched optimized times
  • Strategic Platform Audit
  • Community Management & Engagement
  • Growth Strategy
  • Monthly Analysis & Reports

The Boss

  • Two Social Media Channels
  • Strategic Platform Audit
  • 5 posts a week including copy and graphics (per platform)
  • 5 stories a week including copy and graphics
  • 4 Reels a month including copy and video editing
  • Content posted on platforms at optimized times
  • Community Management & 2x Daily Community Engagement (Monday-Friday)
  • Growth Strategy
  • 2 monthly emails
  • 2 blog posts
  • Monthly Analysis & Reports